Camerimage 2024

2024 was my third year in a row attending one of the best film festivals no one has ever heard of; Camerimage.
Tucked away in a tiny little cobbled town in north central Poland, Camerimage invites lovers of cinema and the cinematic image to come and celebrate mis-en-scene.
And celebrate, we do. Some of the most compelling films I’ve watched has been at this festival and like every year, thousands of us paid our pilgrimage to the shrine of moving image. Long live the camera and long live Camerimage.
Some favourites.
Tucked away in a tiny little cobbled town in north central Poland, Camerimage invites lovers of cinema and the cinematic image to come and celebrate mis-en-scene.
And celebrate, we do. Some of the most compelling films I’ve watched has been at this festival and like every year, thousands of us paid our pilgrimage to the shrine of moving image. Long live the camera and long live Camerimage.
Some favourites.

As The Tide Comes In / documentary

Being Maria / feature

The Brutalist/ feature

Conclave / feature

Agent Of Happiness/ documentary

We Beg To Differ / documentary

Who Do I Belong To / feature

Mistress Dispeller / documentary